Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Artist Statement

Art has always been a very personal experience to me. My mother is, and always will be, my inspiration to be an artist. She has made it her living for more than 20 years. Although the road has certainly been rocky at times she has never given up. My art is nothing like my mothers but she has taught me everything I know.
All of my art starts off on paper, whether in one of my many sketchbooks or on a napkin. List's of words fill the paper of possible ideas and soon it will come to me. As a art student, I have not produced a lot of finished pieces for myself but have enjoyed countless projects assigned to me. Everything around me inspires my work, my family, my friends, my environment, all of which make my art my own.
In the years I have been an art student I have explored many different mediums. One technique that I have grown to love is working with watercolor and with pen and ink. My watercolor pieces have a more playful, cheerful look. I am always picking up children books and admiring the illustrations. Another technique I have recently been interested in is the more graphic art.
I hope to explore many other forms of art in my life and hope to continue doing what has come very easy to me. Although personal to me, I hope to touch others with my work.


  1. the piece that you have displayed is beautiful, you should talk more about this kind of work in your artist statement. describe your experiences with live models or how you use the colors to create such vibrant images.

  2. I agree with Nicole; I know as a student it's hard to have a body of work that represents you and what you want to continue doing, but for now work with what you've pictured.

    I'd be really interested in reading another statement from you in a year or so! (I'm interested in knowing what medium you will find a home in.)

  3. I definitely like that you added in the creation process starting with the napkin.
