Thursday, October 21, 2010

Artist Statement

Painting is my love because there is no end to what you can do. I use painting as a communication to others, my praise to God, and as an escape from the busy world we live in. I am heavily influenced by my faith in Jesus Christ and my goal when I create art is to portray the sacrifice He made and the love He has poured out into my life. In my art I incorporate my own interpretation of God's gift of life to us and I show through my creations how I see the world and appreciate what has been given to me. My passion is for acrylic and oil painting and at times I also incorporate various materials within my paintings. When painting, my technique is spontaneous with quick brush strokes. Seeing the simple effects of what the paint can do on its own is exciting for me and I enjoy watching what happens when I mold and blend the paint to go where I plan. The subject of the human body is a favorite of mine because I know that God made us in his perfect image and its obvious of the beauty and uniqueness we possess. My hope is that my work will encourage others and invite them to recognize the pure gift of Life.

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