Thursday, October 21, 2010

artist statement

Artwork should provoke questioning, if it does not it’s boring. This is my aim, so I use what ever I can find to make pieces of work that will ask the viewer to participate in a sort of self discussion or to have discourse with other viewers. These works are specifically made with materials that I find, steal or have been given to me. While it is not important for the viewer to focus on the fact that the work is made of recycled material, it is important to me. I find speculating anymore into processes, techniques or artistic choices can be much more thoroughly satisfied by engaging the work itself. The content of my pieces do, however, intertwine ideas of social, political and environmental issues and this is where some may draw a parallel to my choice of not using new materials. This is why I try to keep a loose, somewhat, naïve approach to the works I create. By doing this it is my hope to leave room for the very questioning I seek from viewers.

Edward Joseph McGrath

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