Thursday, October 21, 2010

Andrew Kunz's Artist Statement

I have always had an interest in various forms of sciences and astronomy. Every morning starts with a cup of coffee and a new science article. I was never really good with numbers so I choose to express my passion toward this subject with art. Instead of examining the mathematical part behind these topics, as an artist I focus on the visual aspects and personal theories behind the mysteries of the universe.

My art begins as a personal question. For example, the expansion of space, the existences of humans, or even how microscopic bacteria’s grow. I am a mixed media artist that loves to explore different ways and solutions to express my art onto whatever surface I can. Recently, printmaking as been the medium that I have been using. My interest in printmaking is really in the process behind what it takes to develop an idea, prep and prepare the plates, and then finally to produce the final image. The real point about printmaking that really drawls me into in, is that every piece I make is like my own little science experiment. An etching, for instances, is an experiment that involves a chemical reaction between a zinc plate and chemical bath. The result of this experiment is a chemically burned channel into plate. That channel then results into the image of my work. Printmaking also, gives me the ability to add endless texture in my art. I personally feel that texture in art is just as important as the color and even them image. Texture also allows me to make bold emotional marks by using objects to leave impressions into the paper. The limitless boundaries in printmaking are like the limitless boundaries in science. Those two parallels are what really inspire my work and me.

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