Thursday, March 26, 2009

Artist Statement

I fell somewhat accidentally into photography several years after graduating high school. In the beginning, my work began by blindly mimicking any and all pictures that fled through my head, making most of my early film pieces highly biographical. The darkroom is still my favored editing and development process because of the personal interaction and imperfections it allows for. More recently however, I’ve begun working digitally, especially when shooting overseas.

I strive to portray desperation and spontaneity in all my photos, while focusing on the similarities that exist between various lifestyles. For me, art is the re-creation of an already obvious truth, ones specifically we would often rather not confront. Everything we visually observe on a daily basis is filtered through personal beliefs and mental processes. A process of distortion. Does a single being actually see the world as it objectly exists - it doesn’t objectively exist period. To capture and conceptualize this distortion is one of my highest goals. “For what we see here is but a shadow of the world to come”. This phrase puts spiritual meaning behind behind every shoot I do and guides the perspectives behind all my photos. What I view behind a lens is highly motivated by angles, blank space and the emotions of individuals. If I can document even a moment of their deeper reality, my job is done.


  1. Why do you strive to portray desperation?
    I would like to get into philosophical debate; but I won't.
    I like the part where you point out that we each live in our own reality and go on to describe some of your process.

  2. First, I think your picture is amazing.

    Secondly, I like the honesty in your statement. It feels very real, and makes the portraying "desperation and spontaneity" make a little more sense. Reading your statement required my complete attention, which I liked.

    Overall, I think your statement is indeed a statement-- it is definitive and seemingly well thought out; yet it still allows room for the viewer to experience the pictures in their own way. I like it.

  3. What an awesome image!!! I just really wanted to say what a stand out photo. make me a copy!

  4. i love this photo. great artist statement! its very honest and inspiring
