Thursday, March 26, 2009

Artist Statement

Art is not just c r e a t e d,

it is a l i f e s t y l e.
I am interested in any
form of art and inspired
by it all.
I spent most of my childhood
doodling shapes and forms
on whatever kind of paper
I could get my hands on.
Little did I know then,
I would fall in love
with the art world.
Now, I enjoy working in several
different mediums, although oil paint
seems to be my favorite.
In my paintings, I have interesting concepts filled with expressiveness. My explosive color is bold, yet smooth. The complexity intertwined with my experimental style is filled with risk taking. For I never know what the finished outcome will be.


  1. That piece is bold and full of emotion and what I would call shock value. I would like to see it live, are you showing anywhere?
    What is this "artist lifestyle" you write of? Is it that you eat, sleep and breath; colors, shapes and forms? Or is it some sort of philosiphy you live by that you feel nurtures your creativity

  2. I think that you should talk more about how you create your art even though I like that you talked about the doodles of your childhood.

  3. It would be interesting to know more about the process of you making an artwork.
