Friday, May 1, 2009

Class visit to Advertising Agency - feedback

I hope all of you enjoyed our visit to Holten, Sentivan +Gury, local advertising agency. Please post your feedback as to what you learned from our visit. Please include what you learned about the advertising world and your thoughts about being an artist working in commercial art.


  1. Sorry to miss the trip! Hope it went wonderfully.. but I did want to contribute something. So here are some links to check out that help artists promote and sell their work, I have personally used

  2. I thought the visit as a whole was really interesting. I realized just how many different people and talents go into making even just one advertisement.
    I imagine working commercially would have its benefits-- using your talents for profit; but also very stressful. I think it'd be fun to always have projects to be working on-- to be busy and continually having challenges, but then to have to fit that to someone elses needs and ideas would be the frustrating part.

  3. I enjoyed the visit. It was reassuring to see that there was still some life to freelance work, as well as hired positions for various styles of artist, and not the pressure to constantly be a renaissance man.

    It was also nice to see that the industry isn't always tight collars and stuffy offices, but that they can enjoy themselves while they work, including the personal, non-hired projects.

  4. I thought the visit to Holten, Sentivan +Gury Ad Agency was a very successful trip! I have always wondered what the environment, people, and work ethic would be like at an ad agency. Their website was crazy cool! I must have made a drug for everyone that I saw the night after we went. Funny stuff.I thought Walter had great questions that we wouldn't have asked if he was not there. I like the pace the guy was talking about in the way they work at the company. Sometimes, deadlines are good because you go with your instinct about certain pieces. I enjoyed learning that projects are a group effort -collaborated with different types of artists. I didn't like, for all you photographers, that they use photo-stock for some of their projects, but I understand sometimes it's quicker that way. I think I would be very interested in working in commercial art. I wish there was more fine art involved in it. However, I did take some graphic design and illustration courses, and I'm still not sure on my major-could always double major! I think like Walter said, it seems like a fun job to experience for a little while. It seems like a new window of opportunities for us! Thank You for taking us Walter!

  5. I didn't know what to expect before we walked into the building. Although i myself am not planning on choosing that kind of profession, i thought it was interesting to learn about what its like working at an ad agency. Their website was awesome and i thought it was pretty cool how he talked about the behind the scenes of how they did things, and the people involved. I appreciate that he didn't try to glorify working for the company. He was honest about what its like to work there,and the pros and cons. It was nice to get an idea of whats out there as far as options for careers in the art field, and nice to get a glimpse of someone's career life after art school. overall the trip was worthwhile!!

  6. i enjoyed the trip to the ad agency. i thought the speaker was very informative without being dull. i learned a lot of things, about what working in an ad agency is like, that i didn't know before. It was nice to see the work the did for fun as well as an actual project they were currently working on. i had a lot of fun and am glad we had the opportunity to go on this trip!
    ~Melissa G.

  7. I'm glad that we were able to visit such a nice agency. I would highly recommend illustrators, photographers and designers to gain experience from working at an ad agency. There is so much to learn and the knowledge/experience can only enhance your personal work.

  8. I thought the trip was very interesting. It was interesting to hear how flexible with their talent. I was unaware that ad agencies will bring in freelancers for work. It also seemed like a very warm, relaxed place to work.
