Saturday, December 27, 2008

Course Description

Career Strategies for the Artist provides students with practical information about building a career in the arts. Students learn skills that will enable them to better market, manage and promote themselves and their art, whether it be working in-house for a company or starting their own freelance business. Topics include: career opportunities, portfolio presentation, copyright for print and the web, submitting artwork to galleries, licensing your artwork and more. Students will be able to identify and work towards professional goals in an art career. Throughout the semester students explore various professions and business practices within the arts.


  1. To the Ralph Steadmaan fan, Hallie, I think it is, it turns out Steadman studied along side Gerald Scarfe, (Pink Floyds, "The Wall" animater)At East Ham technical College ? I found this on an interesting web site;
    Both Steadman's and Scarfe's work remind me of Edward Munch's "The Scream" very cerebral and psycologically driven not to mention surreal.

  2. no way!!!! i didn't know that. also i found this artist who paints sidewalks to looks 3-d. check out this noise!!!!!!

    if you scroll left theres a shark and some other stuff. far out man

  3. Very nice stuff and talk about getting your art out there it doesn't get much further out there then that, only thing, people are going to tend to walk all over it. Seriously though that is a pretty cool website lots of photography stuff, thanks.
